The volume of all bond issuance in Europe exceeded EUR 1,0trn in 2018

The overall global debt ‘underwriting’ fees totalled approx. USD 25,0bn in 2018

The syndication process has not really evolved over the years, which results into time consuming workflows and expensive manual processes

“Let’s rethink the process… How would we do it today?”
In order to speed up the new issue process and to reduce costs, we are building a new efficient and transparent electronic auction platform, with an automated algorithm, that will also allow investors to receive full allocation on their orders.
current process
All communication and work-flow between issuer and investor is manually transmitted via the dealer.

future process
newtrex will combine all communication and processes electronically between dealer, issuer and investor to make the overall process quicker, safer, easier and more transparent.

our mission:
“We want to establish an automated new issue process, that is easy, transparent and fun.”
Easy | Transparent | Fun
Although these attributes do not go natural with the actual new issue process, it is our ultimate goal and the benchmark for our success.

newtrex will make the overall new issue process more transparent.
Market participants and regulators will enjoy a much more open and transparent pricing and allocation process, due to state-of-the-art technology and user friendly systems.
newtrex will increase the efficiency of new issue transactions to new levels.
In the world of modern technology it is antiquated to spend several days on a single new transaction. Investors and issuers using newtrex, will benefit from optimised processes and reduced risks.

newtrex will increase the speed of the new issue process.
Investors will see their allocations and optional hedges immediately and do not have to wait and rely on others.

newtrex will reduce the cost for issuers and banks.
Although the services for the issuers are more reduced due to regulatory and
legal requirements, the cost of issuing new bonds is still high.
Using modern technology this can be reduced and will
be beneficial not only for the issuers.